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image of person typing in a search engine

Search Engine Optimization

Most business owners aren't aware of the fact that they need good SEO in order to receive organic traffic to their websites. Organic traffic is important because any time someone opens up Google or another search engine and makes a search query, it's the SEO that will determine whether you are a good match for a potential customer. Google as well as other search engines, assess the value of your website and how much relevant information it can provide to the searcher, as well as location, etc. in the blink of an eye. If your website has been built properly and has well-written and current information, Google will determine that it is a good match to the query and place you higher on the SERP, or Search Engine Results Page. Sites that are poorly constructed and written will get smaller amounts of traffic and very commonly not show up on the 1st page of Google.

Please keep in mind that while it is very unlikely for one company to continuously dominate every search in their field and always be the #1 answer, it is possible to optimize your website so that you are reaching the widest audience possible for the services you offer. Google has and is continuously changing its algorigthm to make the searcher the main beneficiary of online queries.

Inception Designs has been offering Hawaii SEO services for over 10 years and has been around to see how things have changed and evolved. Our websites incorporate best practices to make sure that we are reaching the right audience for you. Our custom-built sites consist of not only proper construction and on-page SEO structure, but researched and professionally-written copy to provide a polished online presence and the best search engine optimization possible for you.

If you have or are also considering a platform website for your business...

like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace, it's important to understand that these are primarily made for convenience and do not automatically perform the SEO for you. In the case of WordPress, it relies on something called a plugin for almost every significant function on the site. These plugins are usually made by 3rd parties, and it is a common occurrence to see reports of security breaches on a regular basis from these sites. Additionally, the other 2 options offer some DIY areas for SEO that are meant for you to jus fill in the blanks but, the fact remains that you still need to know how to and have access to the right tools to determine your best keywords and how to write content properly.

graphic of people building a website

Hawaii Digital Marketing

Inception Designs is a digital marketing agency that incorporates numerous tactics on multiple platforms to bring attention to your brand and business. Our services range from Search Engine Marketing through paid search, display, and discovery ads to promotions offered through Google on less-known platforms. The goal is to utilize each situation to bring you the best attention for your business.

Inception Designs is certified by Google ...

in the use of the most current, G4 Analytics application available. With this certification and our years of experience, we can identify the best audience for your business and tactfully deliver ads to them. This allows us to identify demographics, interest categories, general geographic location, as well as what kind of device is most commonly being used to visit your website. Only general information is obtained, no personal identifiers are available.

image of Google Analytics certification for 2024

Our Digital Marketing Packages:

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One Step SEO This program allows Inception Designs to review and address your current SEO efforts. We will perform an assessment and provide you with the results and recommendations to address any deficiencies. If you own a template site (WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, etc.) We will ask you for your login information in order to make adjustments to improve the site's peformance, or provide you with a custom-built site alternative.

This site option works best for those who may not have the budget to rebuild their sites at the time but, still need to do something to improve/increase organic traffic.

$199 - one time fee

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Social Media Focus This program promotes your business through social media campaigns and advertisements. Social media includes more than you may think - did you know that Google Business Profile is considered social media? This program allows us to create a run of ads for your business on these main platforms, and we will coordinate with you on a monthly basis to promote any current offers.

This package is inclusive and you do not need to set up any outside billing or accounts with any of the social media platforms that are utilized. You will receive a report on ad performance once a month. This is a great option for businesses that need to get some regular attention and boost site traffic but, don't have a large budget.


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Digital Marketing Suite This is all-inclusive, and your business will receive the following: An ad campaign for your business via Google AdWords (possibly Bing). We will create and maintain your campaign, including keyword research and regular monitoring. | Promotional campaigns on Google Business Profile, YouTube, Instagram, & possibly Facebook depending on your industry. | Online Reputation Management. We will monitor the major review places on behalf of your business in the event of any negative attention, and then communicate on your behalf. | Monthly analytics report. This report will give you a full rundown on how your site performed organically, as well as the performance of all of your ad efforts.


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Content Creation Bundle Gives you the benefit of Search Engine Marketing through Google AdWords, as well as a video marketing presence on YouTube, Instagram, and Google Business Profile. Our team will personally obtain footage and create content to promote your brand through our channels to bring you as much attention as possible and increase awareness to your business. By using this Bundle on a monthly basis, you will be assured to get new and fresh content each cycle as well as receive a customized, monthly progress report on all efforts. Our elite team has the equipment and talent/experience to produce custom video projects for multiple-platform use.



Business Consultation Services

Over the last 12+ years, we have encountered and worked with many small, medium, and large businesses. Everyone has a different starting point, and while some people come to us in need of specific services, others come to us with almost nothing but their desire to succeed. With the amount of experience we now have in this field, we are easily able to assess the needs of most businesses starting out and make specific recommendations as well as construct a plan for them to achieve an online reputation.

Allow us to provide an assessment of your business and create a customized plan for your continued success. By performing a professional review of your business, we will be able to tell whether you would benefit from a retrofit on specific areas, need to have a complete digital presence created, would benefit more from a social media campaign than an online search campaign, or maybe even need to incorporate an e-commerce solution. You may need more or less than you think to move forward.

Our Business Consultation service is $299 and we will provide you with an assessment + proposal on what we recommend for your next steps.

Contact us for a consultation:

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© 2022/2023 inception designs | Web Development, SEO, Digital Marketing, Social Media Management | 808.688.7770